About Me

I Am Particularly Fascinated About ULM & The Warhawks
I am a university student and I am particularly fascinated about ULM and the Warhawks. This is the reason why I decided to create this unofficial fan page to share my views with those who share in my interests. I am a strong fan of American Football and I am delighted to watch students achieve more than just academic qualification by engaging themselves in different games; from football to soccer to basketball to volleyball, the opportunities are limitless for students. A lot of innovative stuff is happening in ULM at the moment and the institution has a lot more on its Master Plan. It gives me joy to share these lofty endeavors as they unfold.

My Vision
I see a nation where students will look beyond just the name of a school and beyond their course of study, a nation where students are willing to diversify and develop minds without neglecting their bodies.
The Future
To make the right choice, we need the right information. When students have the right information about a school at their disposal it will make their choice easier and reduce the scenario where students come into a school and feel like they are stuck.
My Mission
I am committed to bringing you all the recent developments at the University of Louisiana in Monroe starting with the groundbreaking ceremony and the ongoing work at the proposed medical school in the institution. I wish to educate prospective students and those concerned about ULM on the developmental strides taking place in the institution.
I am also a huge fan of the Warhawks so you should expect to see updates on their performances and tactics, where they are getting it right and where they are getting it wrong. My mission is to make university games popular so that students will begin to see the need in participating actively in extracurricular activities.
I accept the responsibility of educating the students and prospective students that it is possible to be more than just one thing. On the contrary, you can be whoever you want to be.
My Belief
It is sad that many students just rush into schools without thoroughly examining what the institution has to offer them. There are institutions in this nation that are excellent in academics but that is all they have to offer. I believe that education is not all about academic excellence. It should be a round experience where the students are given the opportunity to explore and hone their innate potentials.
I believe that the University of Louisiana in Monroe has all the facilities and programs that encourage students to achieve academic excellence as well as become excellent in various other endeavors of their choice.
The number of prospective students seeking admission into ULM has increased in recent times but I believe the figure would go higher if prospective students learn about the numerous opportunities that abound in this institution; academically and otherwise.
By creating this unofficial fan page, I believe that I am giving prospective students the opportunity of having a peep into ULM and make a better comparison with other institutions of higher learning around the nation.
My Heritage
There are lots of institutions in this nation and picking the right institution that will guarantee a round development can be a daunting task for a prospective student. These fragile students can easily make a wrong choice owing to the fact that they have little or no knowledge about what goes on in an institution of higher learning.
Their choice will be easier if only they have a trusted insider that will provide them with the information of some of the programs happening in some of these schools. When it comes to ULM, I want to be that guy that prospective student will trust to provide them with all the information they need to know about this great institution.
I believe it is my corporate social responsibility as a student to help prospective students make the right choice that will help them to become better citizens of our great nation. I believe it will be better to have a nation where everyone is happy chasing their passion rather than having intelligent drones doing only what they are told to do.